Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Week to forget

Who knew? the week started out full of promise, so much was going to get done.. I'd raised the cash to get Rival out of the water, I'd ordered all the materials to do the job & monday had been a good day workwise. then Monday evening my son & I jumped in the car to go home and the car decided it was going to die; never mind thought I, havent got time for this, car can be sorted tomorrow afternoon so called a taxi & went home. woke up on Tuesday morning & the wind was blowing a houlie, Cats done a dissapearing act. Never mind thinks I & as the tide comes up & im casting off lines & moving things that might fall over One hour before high water I'm ready to move & after 40 mins of sawing back & forth & the yard owners faliure to appear with his launch to throw a line on my prow to turn me round as promised I'd missed my window & had to make the old girl fast which i did im afraid with very bad grace, much to the amusement of the people helping me. After a phone call to explain why I wasnt up St Osyth creek ready to go onto the slipway we agreed to try again the next day. In the meantime, I bummed a lift back to Clacton in order to get the Car sorted out. I had to be towed to the garage and at the time of writing it is still clinically dead. So now im stuck in Clacton, and have to grovel AGAIN to my friend Tony who comes over from Brightlingsea to pick me up and we head home Via St Osyth to explain in person what has gone on and to grovel to the only man in the area with a slipway big enough to take Rival. Having grovelled and scraped off we go back to the yard where I parted with a very expensive bottle of wine in gratitude, and slept the sleep of the dead. Got up this morning (Wednesday 25th) Got the foot ferry to Point Clear & bus into Clacton only to find my car still dead so cant work, cant do sod all! so tonight stayed round Mums & had a curry Just hoping the car is fixed tomorrow.

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